Welcome. This blog serves to tell the story of my time in Atlanta. Explore the differences in ideology and methodology that teams outside of the PNW hold. But most importantly I wanted to share my journey with Ultimate and the "why" that drives me to continue to play.
Taking off...
A beautiful Seattle morning. The sun rising on one side of the terminal, casting rays of light on the snow covered mountains on the opposite side. Staring off into the distance, a message appeared on my phone that simply read 'I'll miss you'. I've never felt so unraveled before in my life. I didn't want to go. There was so much in the NW I didn't want to say goodbye to. So many people I wish I could spend the coming months with, even just one more day with. As I laid there bathing in the sunshine I realized that this isn't the point in my life when I'm saying goodbye to the Northwest, it's more like I'm getting up to stretch my legs. I have every intention of returning.
The first leg of the trip went by with only one incident in which the child behind me got motion sickness and it reminded me that all I had eaten that day was some lemon, ginger, and turmeric juice (not sitting well anymore). I closed my eyes and just tried to go back to sleep. About 30 minutes later we were on the ground in Dallas, still not feeling well i wandered around the airport looking for anything that might calm my stomach. McDonald's, No. Burger King, No. I finally came to the conclusion that a beer would help (sorry mom). Voila, problem solved. I spent the second leg of the trip talking to a lovely couple traveling back to Atlanta after visiting family in Port Angeles.
Finally Touched Down!
Finishing Off the Week.
Thursday and Friday I spent familiarizing myself with Atlanta. And what better way that to run a nice 7 mile loop from the Knowles residence to the Emory University campus. It was such a gorgeous campus everything basking in the sun. To my surprise it's actually been fairly cold here since I've landed 32 in the mornings warming up to the low 50's (buuurrrrrr). Friday I went and ran a loop from the house out to Miranda's work. In honor of Pi Day I decided to do a little baking. I ended up making three pies. The first was a Shepard's pie for Matt and Miranda to have and share with the Carlton ultimate players they are hosting this weekend. The second was a sweet potato Shepard's pie for the same purpose but I wanted sweet potato instead. And last was a Pumpkin Pie. Happy Pie Day Everyone!
Miranda is going to be coaching the Jr. Worlds tryouts this weekend so Matt and I will be partaking in a St. Patrick's Day Pub Run. I'm not sure how far we are running but all in all each participant is supposed to drink 10 pints (ugh, again sorry mom). But Sunday I will play my first game of frisbee in the A, and Monday I start work. Wahoo!
Hope everyone is doing well,
Finally Touched Down!
Finishing Off the Week.
Thursday and Friday I spent familiarizing myself with Atlanta. And what better way that to run a nice 7 mile loop from the Knowles residence to the Emory University campus. It was such a gorgeous campus everything basking in the sun. To my surprise it's actually been fairly cold here since I've landed 32 in the mornings warming up to the low 50's (buuurrrrrr). Friday I went and ran a loop from the house out to Miranda's work. In honor of Pi Day I decided to do a little baking. I ended up making three pies. The first was a Shepard's pie for Matt and Miranda to have and share with the Carlton ultimate players they are hosting this weekend. The second was a sweet potato Shepard's pie for the same purpose but I wanted sweet potato instead. And last was a Pumpkin Pie. Happy Pie Day Everyone!
Miranda is going to be coaching the Jr. Worlds tryouts this weekend so Matt and I will be partaking in a St. Patrick's Day Pub Run. I'm not sure how far we are running but all in all each participant is supposed to drink 10 pints (ugh, again sorry mom). But Sunday I will play my first game of frisbee in the A, and Monday I start work. Wahoo!
Hope everyone is doing well,
10 pints ain't much. Enjoy yourself, hope all goes well. I have a friend that I will get you contact information for if you need anything.